What shade of Green are you? Challenge 1 of 5

Are YOU mint, lime, sage, moss, or forest green? And at the end of the challenge, let’s see what shade you have become!

MINT (no green) - you aren’t sure where to start, so you decide to do nothing.

LIME (light green) - you are overwhelmed with all the choices and need some direction.

SAGE (medium green) - you have created green in some parts of your life, and are now ready to take it to the next level by adding green to all areas of your life.

MOSS (dark green) - you have created so much green in all parts of your life, yet still, feel you have more to do.

MOSS FOREST (deep green) - you are as green as they get and want to show others how to add a little more green to their life!


Challenge 1: Reading Food Labels

MINT I don’t read food labels because I don’t know what ingredients to avoid.

LIME I am not 100% confident reading food labels and often skim labels because I don’t know what I am looking for.

SAGE I can decipher which ingredients to avoid and I enjoy the challenge of reading food labels.

MOSS I can name 10+ ingredients off the top of my head to avoid. I also love to make my own food at home and avoid buying processed food, but I have been known to buy something when I am not quite sure what one of the ingredients is! 

MOSS FOREST I make most of my food from scratch at home (and I am very comfortable deciphering food labels), when I venture to the store, I know exactly what ingredients to avoid and if I don’t know what an ingredient is, I green google it.

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